Sunday, September 28, 2008

Can body waxing cause acne

« ...Sandalwood is very effective in treating acne scars. Mix it with some rosewater and apply it to the scars. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning....
...Regardless of your final decision, there are certain things you should take not of. It advisable not to overwash your face. Twice a day is quite sufficient. Use a cleanser containing salicylic acid and don't forget to a sunscreen and moisturizers daily....»
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«...So whether you're mega-dosing on supplements, herbs, fats/oils, powders, or using potent creams or lotions, or, taking prescription drugs - using a tanning salon -- WHATEVER -- just be careful!...»
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tags: how to get rid of back acne fast, herpes face acne, how to naturally get rid of pimples and acne

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