Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Retinol 40's skin care acne research

« ...Skin care specialists or doctors are the only ones who can prescribe certain medications, including the use of certain ointments and antibiotics. In some case your doctor may suggest the pustules are drained of harmful contents under local anesthetic, if you attempt it yourself it could result in skin damage even though it is a minor procedure....
...Acne scar removal, are techniques which most people who have had acne are very interested to know about and to see how affective the methods are. Though prevention would have been better than cure, if there is a positive method of acne scar removal, it would be very encouraging for most people who have scars left from acne....»
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«...Use of chemical and oil based cosmetics will aggravate acne. Go for organic products. These are widely available on the market. Once you use them, make sure that you wash your face thoroughly....»
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tags: role of acne during periods, acne medication and blackhead, having acne down to my last

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