Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can birth control pills help acne

« ...Now, it kind of works the same way with acne sufferers... what helps one acne sufferer, doesn't always mean it'll help all the other acne sufferers. That's why some creams and lotions will work for a certain percentage of acne sufferers, but not all. Same with using drugs to fight acne. For some, it'll work, but not all... Same with supplements...helps some, not all....
...If you suspect you have stress acne, why not relax and have a cup of acne relieving herbal tea? Herbal tea is especially good for stress acne for several reasons. First, when you drink a few cups of hot herbal tea, you tend to relax yourself, your body, mind and soul effectively. Your gestures and movement get slower, and your body is relieving itself from stress that has built up over time. Herbal tea also helps with acne if you select the right kinds of tea that has the capability to have a positive impact on acne. One such example includes green tea....»
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«...Other ways of using ones include cleaning the affected skin part with over the counter types of cream and other skin care products that incorporates salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, these types of acne drugs are available in most pharmacies and acne treatment products are all over the market, just learn to choose the best product that offers the best results by reading product reviews that are available online....»
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tags: apply cold pack to acne redness yahoo, which acne treatment is the best, how i can take out the acne black sport problems

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